
Weaved Art!

this looks like a phoenix [ click image for a larger view ]

a profile of a man [ click image for a larger view ]

this one looks like a sword [ click image for a larger view ]

Do you wonder how these artworks were made? It would seem like these artworks are really hard to create. However, making these wonderful creations is just a piece of cake! Believe it or not, it is just as easy as hovering your mouse over this link that we are going to give you...

Check this out!
Go to this page and start creating your own weave silk art.


  • Click and drag your mouse over the black background and then make a final click. (Remember that you can repeat this step many times), 
  • Hold the Shift button, to control the wind movement.
  • You can press S to stop instantly the the weaving of your digital silk. 
  • Have fun!  

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